
Sustaining the growth of Uptown’s economy requires ongoing investment in infrastructure, maintenance of green spaces, road and freeway rights-of-way and sidewalks and roadways.

Uptown Memorial Park Trail and Bridge Project

The Boulevard Project

The vision of The Boulevard Project was to rebuild Post Oak Boulevard into an exquisitely designed grand boulevard while creating a beautifully landscaped pedestrian environment, preserving existing automobile lanes, and substantially improving transit service, to address the continuing growth of Houston.

The cornerstone of the completed Boulevard is the enhanced walkability and beautification. Sidewalks have been widened to 12 feet and extensive pedestrian lighting encourage walking to Uptown’s unmatched dining and shopping attractions. Post Oak Boulevard’s beloved flowers and landscaping have been greatly enhanced and more than 1,000 live oak trees line the Boulevard creating a uniform appearance, and continuous canopy of shade.

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Memorial Park

Eastern Glades

Reclaiming 100 acres of largely inaccessible parkland, the project expands picnicking, parking, and restrooms; extends the running trail to a full 3-mile loop; establishes a 5-acre lake and wetlands; provides trails and boardwalks to experience Park wildlife and natural habitats; and honors the Park’s military history. Phase I of Eastern Glades opened in 2018 and Phase II was completed in 2020.

Land Bridge and Prairie

The Land Bridge and Prairie over Memorial Drive will reunite the north and south sides of Memorial Park, providing safe crossing for people and wildlife. A restored network of native prairie and savanna will act as a green sponge, helping to absorb stormwater, mitigate flooding, and conquer the effects of concrete in the heart of a densely populated urban environment. The Land Bridge and Prairie are scheduled to be completed in October 2022.

District Wide Pedestrian Improvements

The District-Wide Pedestrian Improvement Program added more than 1,200 pedestrian lights, wider sidewalks, and lush green landscaping to every street in Uptown. Accessible walkways, shaded in daytime and luminous at night, makes strolling or biking from home or work, lunch, or shopping comfortable and enjoyable.

San Felipe

One of Uptown’s signature thoroughfares, San Felipe, has been reconstructed into a pleasant and easily traveled roadway. From Yorktown to the West Loop, 20,000 tons of 10-inch reinforced concrete created the main lanes. Other features included the addition of a westbound lane to allow for three lanes of traffic in both directions, increasing capacity on San Felipe by 50 percent, a second left-hand turn lane on the southbound West Loop feeder at San Felipe and a new traffic signal at Hallmark Drive. Underground details included moving 2,300 feet of power lines below ground and installing new water lines (3,000 feet) and storm sewer lines (4,000 feet).

Today, as an oak-lined parkway accented with beautifully landscaped medians and comfortably widened, well-lit and landscaped sidewalks, San Felipe serves as a gateway into Uptown.

About Uptown

Uptown serves as a catalyst to create, preserve and enhance value by developing an urban community of uncommon beauty, gracious character, and dynamic spirit.